Message from Mahallah Principal

Assalamualaikum W.B.T.

I am very pleased to welcome you to Mahallah Ali Ibn Abi Talib Official Website. This mahallah was officially being occupied by Undergraduate & Postgraduate Students since its construction completed in 1997. Since then, Mahallah Ali has been providing accommodation for nearly 1000 students at one time in every academic semester. 

In order to produce holistic students and graduates, the mahallah residents will be provided with the programmes that will facilitate the development of students’ character in line with the National Education Philosophy. Nevertheless, the residents’s welfare will always be our utmost priority and will be well taken care with the assistance of Mahallah Mahallah Management Team consisting of Fellows, Officials and Student Representative (MRC).

Last but not least, it is our ardent hope that this website will assist you in getting information that you may need on the mahallah administration and students’ development at Mahallah Ali Ibn Abi Talib.


Ts. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Zahirani Ahmad Azhar

Principal of Mahallah Ali Ibn Abi Talib

International Islamic University Malaysia

Residential Blocks