by Zainul Mukrim bin Hj. Baharuddin
‘Always the Truth’ is the vision of the Mahallah As Siddiq. Being name after the First Khalifah Abu Bakar As- Siddiq after the Wafat of Propfet Muhammad Rusulullah SallaAllah Alaiwasallam. Meanwhile ‘One step ahead’ is the mission for the Mahallah to ensure always performed for the best.
1.0 Facilities in Mahallah Siddiq
All Mahallah in IIUM have the central facilities. This building in mahallah Siddiq are located at centre and become the entrance of the mahallah. The location is strategically for the legibility of student’s movement and activities. The building has provided commercial needs such as the cafeteria, printing shop, groceries, and dobby. There is also space for students to enhance their spiritual and activities such as mussolla, MRC meeting room, a one-stop centre for fellow and students to have leisure. The most important space in the central facilities is the Mahallah Office(MO).
The MO is the place where students have to communicate for their campus life especially on managing their stay at the campus. There are officers that working and entertaining the students need related to their welfare and facilities management. The cooperation between the Mahallah Officers, Principal, Fellows, and MRCs are the key factors that determine the success and happiness in the mahallah.

Students’ accommodation is the most important facility in Mahallah. All students will be registered to stay in rooms provided and there are two types of room which are room with four compartments and room with two compartments. All compartments provide basic facilities such as a bed, study table, cabinet, and other facilities. The students have to keep their rooms according to the rules and regulations for mahallah for example not to do vandalism and use and wanted electrical appliance for safety purposes. There are six blocks for undergraduate and one block for postgraduate which could accommodate around 1000 students.
Mahallah Blocks
Other facilities around the Mahallah are the sports facilities. Unfortunately, Mahallah Siddiq does not have many open spaces, thus the mahallah only has one multipurpose court for students to have their sports activities. Otherwise, they need to go to other male mahallah or play at nearby male sport complex and facilities. Other facilities that could also found here are the motorcycle and car parking spaces and courtyards. The courtyards are the most potential spaces to be developed because this area is the meeting point for students to have their socials activities.
2.0 Future Planning of the Mahallah Digitalisation
The Industrial revolution 4.0 in Malaysia should be taken as the vision and mission of the mahallah. The digitalisation is the future planning for mahallah to go forwards. Mahallah Office need to think and improve the management system towards digitalisation of the student’s data and facilities management. The MRC also need to enhance their future activities and welfare towards digitalisation. For example online entrepreneur business activities, webinar, training, and games. The social media platforms are a must for the MRC to communicate with students and to advertise the information of activities and news. The internet facilities are the main concern to look afters as third public utilities in University. Digital platforms also the media that important for students to explore due to jobs or occupations base on digital.
The Reputation as International Islamic University, IIUM have to nurture and enhance Islamisation among its residents and staff. The globalization and digitalisation would give greater impacts to the residents positively and negatively. The basic syariah compliance such as maqasid syariah needs to be understood deeply by the residents in their daily activities such as how to take care healthy life by having a positive mind set at the beginning of morning until sleep again. Day time is the most productive life and night is the place to remembrance the deed of the day and been close to creator Allah s.w.t.
Volunteering and community services
COVID19 have affected the globe and many peoples have suffered economically, socially, and mentally. MRC needs to communicate with the divisions in IIUM such as STADD, CENTRIS, IIUM MOSQUE, and many others. These divisions have the platform and facilities for MRC to initiate and organise the programs locally or internationally.
IIUM has been recognised among the world public universities practicing the sustainable development goals promoted by the united nations. Thus, many programs also may have been created locally and globally with the support of the University. Environmental attitude has been a concern globally and locally. Every year there is an increased budget of Malaysia treasurer, thus there is a huge demand for research, activities, services, and business opportunities for students to venture up.
3.0 Conclusion
Mahallah As Siddiq is the ‘Always the Truth’ as the motto for the Mahallah. The Spirit of The First Islamic Khaliffah should be mold to the mind set of every falcon. The quality of leader should be embrace among the residents with tauhidic approaches such as Iman, Amal, and Ihsan. There is the basic quality of the Muslim. The author believed that the mahallah manages to sustain their healthy living in a holistic way by practicing these understandings. InsyaAllah, there will be lesser misconduct among the residents in the future and people are more careful about their friends, neighbors, staff, and communities. Students need to take the advantage of digitalisation and volunteerism in order to enhance their soft skills in the better future.