InSAF provides training to MRC Mahallah Sumayyah on the concept of sustainable agriculture by applying an integrated system that mimics the forest ecosystem. The integrated sustainable agriculture farm is just a tool for knowledge dissemination on the importance of human as Khalifah of the Earth, and at the same time, the team is trying to enculture the concept of humanizing education into our education system. It is our Amanah to look after the Earth, to ensure the is no activity that may harm our home. During the training, participants will receive information on the important for not to disturb the ecosystem in any way. Therefore, the lasagna no-dig vegetable raised-bedding will be created for this project. Participants will be exposed to plant-plant interactions, plant-insect/animal interaction, and plant-microbe interaction in building a healthy ecosystem.
Appreciating the source of water and energy is also included in the program. Where, solar system and rain water harvester are the only source for energy and water for the vegetable garden. It is expected that those participants will be able to transfer their knowledge to the community outside IIUM, especially to the younger generation at school. Subsequently, the next generation will know, understand, and practice activities that protect our home.
The team also hope that this program will be able to produce more individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God.
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