In the holy month of Ramadhan, Muslims are encouraged to do as much as good deeds as we can because it is a sacred month where Allah S.W.T give us chances to get closer to Him and become a better Muslim. Fasting in Ramadhan develops in a person the real spirit of social belonging, of unity and brotherhood and of equality before God. It is also equally important for the Muslims for a deep reflection and contemplation.
Mahallah Sumayyah is collaborating with Mahallah Representative Coordination Council Gombak, Kuantan and Pagoh in organizing a deen’s talk programme throughout the Ramadhan. The weekly learned speakers are the president from each Mahallah and there will be five speakers every talk. The content of the talk revolved around the topic of Islamic way of life and the implementations of the Prophets, Sahabah and Mujahidin practices in our daily life. This is an open online discussion where each of the speakers will give their opinion based on their readings and understandings on the questions given by the moderator. This is also can be seen as a mechanism to assist in providing participants with the information on how the religion itself has provided such an adequate and complete guidance.
Week 1: Being A Proud Muslim Alternatively - How to Become the Embodiment of Islam in Today's World

Week 2: Reflecting the Sacrifice of Mujahid/Mujahidah