The highest student body at mahallah level is known as the Mahallah Representative Committee (MRC). The purpose of this student body is to assist Mahallah Principal & Fellows in organizing student’s activities as well as catering student’s welfare at mahallah. The MRC lineup consists of 12 members led by a MRC President. The recruitment of the MRC members is done through interviews by the respective Mahallah Principal & Fellows.

All the MRC Presidents of each mahallah are gathered under one council named as Mahallah Representative Coordination Council (MRCC). The purpose of this council is to discuss any mahallah-related issues and organize centralized programmes such as IIUM Sports Carnival and Inter-Mahallah Cultural Week. This council is among the highest student bodies in IIUM after the Student Union and Kulliyah-Based Society Council. 

The Line-Up of Mahallah Representative Coordination Council (Board of Mahallah Presidents) IIUM, Gombak Campus, 2020/2021