Ihya' Ramadan 7.0
Ihya’ Ramdhan is a program which is held every year initiative by MRC Ruqayyah and residents since 2014. MRC Mahallah Ruqayyah was concerned about resident’s well-being during the Restricted Movement Order (RMO) and upcoming Ramadhan events. Hence, for this tenure (19/20), we came with advanced ideas to polish this program, relevant with the current situation.

1. 1st Class Ramadhan
This programme provides speakers from IIUM lecturers. The speakers had been given a specific topic to present via online learning every Friday morning during Ramadhan. It was open for residents from all Mahallah. This activity provides a sharing session every 2pm, a talk with our beloved principal and fellows and the 2 day 1 Juz’s al-Quran recitation. It was conducted by each club based on schedule given & it was joined by more than 80 participants from IIUM community.
This program also provided a medium of recitation 30 Juzu’ al-Quran by residents. A WhatsApp’s group was created to sure every participant will get their own juzu’ to finish in two day. To add, the learning of Tajwid sessions was conducted by our bureau Dakwah assisted by Dr. Nik Md Saiful Azizi (Ruqayyah’s principal).
2. Artistic Ramadan
The participants wrote about their understanding and how the verses will create an excellent human being during Ramadhan by choosing the Quran verses provided. The participants was given two choices to show their creativity which are to design a poster or to create video. Furthermore, MRC Ruqayyah also provided a daily Ramadan journal.
We are able to polish artistic talents among residents and they succeed to create a lot of great posters. We also manage to strengthen the bonding among residents of Mahallah Ruqayyah as well as IIUM community by recruiting some of them as participants. To add, around 20 participants registered for this program but only 17 of them send the poster. Some of them chose to send e-poster and some hand-drawn poster. The winner’s poster posted in every mahallah’s block and Ruqayyah’s Instagram.

3. Ruqayyah Care
Among of Ihya’ Ramadhan program’s objective is to end hunger and to ensure a good health and well-being of students. the theme of the menu for the Iftar is Middle Eastern Cuisine such as Mandy Rice, Nasi Arab, and most of its Arabic Cuisine. Homesickness and culture shock are very real problems for those studying abroad, and these issues are intensified by the lack of familiar meals. Thus, this is one of the initiatives to help International students get their favorite dishes especially for those who miss their mother’s dishes by serving food that is familiar to their cuisine and culture. Each club sponsored food on their day’s duty. At the same time, this program has accomplished the SDG4 as we have a short slot of Tazkirah before Iftor and 2 Day 1 Juzu’ Program to improve students’ knowledge in understanding Al-Quran and Islam. This program had achieved it’s objective, to build a good rapport and strengthen the relationships among the committee from different clubs as well as with residents.