Environmental Campaign #GoGreen Challenge
Date : 4th February 2021- 12th February 2021
Platform : Online platform (Facebook, Instagram)
Aim : To facilitate a concept of environmental citizenship among Malaysian youth, through the
integration of knowledge, sense of responsibility and successful action to mitigate
climate change impact.Program Manager : Siti Nur Saodah bt Shamsul

Wormie is Missing Book
Date : 1st March 2021 – 12th March 2021
Platform : Online Platform (Google Drive, Ruqayyah’s Social Media and Whatsapp)
Submission platform: Google DriveAim : To facilitate a concept of environmental citizenship among Malaysian youth, through the
integration of knowledge, sense of responsibility and successful action to mitigate
climate change impact.Program Manager : Nur Aliffa Aszreen Binti Mohd Latif

Little Free Library Campaign 2021
Date : 1st – 24th January 2021
Venue : Student Lounge of Mahallah Ruqayyah and online (Instagram Live)
Aim : To introduce to the residents of this Mahallah to the Students Lounge including our Mini Library
- In Collaboration With : Dar Al-Hikmah Library, IIUM
- Program Manager : Siti Noor Haslinda binti Ali

Arabic Novel Reading Course (ANReC first series)

Date : 1st January 2021 – Ongoing
Platform : Online (Google Meet)
Aim : To serve as a platform for students who love Arabic to attend the classes even though they are not majoring in Arabic studies.
Program Manager : Rabiatul Adawwiyah Binti Mazlan
Stingless Honey Bee Ruqayyah

Date : 28 November 2020
Venue : Mahallah Ruqayyah & online (Instagram Live)
Aim : To provide pure honey and shared its beneficial to others either residents of Mahallah Ruqayyah or other Mahallahs.
Program Manager : Nur Ekhlima bt Ezani
Fit During RMO

Date : 18th – 31st April 2020
Platform : Online
Aim : To build discipline among students to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to keep students happy by minimize the stress and discomfort to releases bursts of endorphin.
Program Manager : Nur Fatihah binti Zulkarnain
Ihya' Ramadan

Date : 26th April – 23rd May 2020
Venue : Mahallah Ruqayyah and Online Platforms
Aim : To ensure a good health and well-being of students and to build a good rapport and strengthen the relationships among the committees from different clubs as well as with residents.
In Collaboration With : Ruqayyah Community, Wamy Club & Al-Salam Club
Program Manager : Rabiatul Adawwiyah Binti Mazlan
Sub Events : 1. First Class Ramadhan / 2. Artistic Ramadan / 3. Ruqayyah Care
Gotong-Royong Mahallah Ruqayyah

Date : 15th March 2020
Venue : Musolla, Student Lounge, Aerobic Room, MRC Room of Mahallah Ruqayyah.
Aim : To cultivate cleanliness among residents by collecting rubbish, washing, cleaning and maintain the cleanliness of our beloved Mahallah at the same time build a good rapport between MRC, fellows and residents of Mahallah Ruqayyah.
Program Manager : Rabiatul Adawwiyah Binti Mazlan
Welcoming New Students 19/20

Date : 25th October 2019
Place : Ruqayyah’s Musolla
Aim : To design a Taaruf session with the new intake of International students in order to help them acclimating the new environment of their residential area.
Program Manager : Ainnur Aqilah bt Mansor