IHYA’ RAMADHAN Mahallah Ruqayyah was held to bring the Islamic values during the month of Ramadan every year. The past year program included Iftar, Halaqah, short Tazkirah and Qiyamullail which gave a lot of benefits to the mahallah
residents. However, the program itinerary will be different than the year before as mentioned in the program’s summary due to RMO. The prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم mentioned:
“Islam is based on Five Principles and to observe Fast (according to Islamic Teachings) during the month of Ramadan is one of them.”
All the organized activities had achieved its objective and the mahallah residents were satisfied and happy with the program. This program program has successfully achieved its own objectives which are to help the students to get to know each other and to introduce the Principal, fellows, staffs and Mahallah Representative Committee members of Mahallah Ruqayyah. This program has cultivated ukhuwwah and brotherhood values among the residents and leaders from other clubs. This program not just providing the medium for the residents to gain knowledge during Ramadhan but it is also provided food for Iftar and enlighten the Sunnah of the Prophet.
Among Ihya’ Ramadhan 8.0 Mahallah Ruqayyah program’s objective is to end hunger and to ensure a good health and well-being of students. As we aware, many international and local students are unable to return to their respective countries or states due to the increasing number of covid-19 cases from time to time. Thus, it was quite hard to get food during the MCO as our movement are limited and restricted. Fortunately, Alhamdulillah Ihya’ Ramadhan Program got sponsorship by Wamy Club has successfully helped prevent hunger among the students who still remain at the mahallah as the committees and volunteers never failed to provide food for dinner and Iftor for them throughout Ramadhan. Each club sponsors food on their day’s duty. At the same time, this program has accomplished the SDG4 as we have a short slot of Tazkirah before Iftar and 2 Day 1 Juzu’ Program to improve students’ knowledge in understanding Al-Quran and Islam.
Besides that, Wamy Club spent a budget around RM and provided 100 packs of Nasi Arab for each day to residents of Mahallah Ruqayyah. Although the current situation does not allow for iftar together, so Mrc Mahallah Ruqayyah took the initiative to break the fast together only among them in the range of 8 people only.
Alhamdulillah, we take this opportunity to thank all club involved for its willingness to sponsor iftar during the month of Ramadan even the program has ended but the spirit of volunteering among the committee never fade away as the volunteers from all clubs willing to help in distributing free food to remaining students in Mahallah. This program had achieved the objective to build a good rapport and strengthen the relationships among the committee from different clubs as well as with residents.
This activity provides a sharing session every day, a talk with two great speaker from Kulliyyah Of Education and Kulliyyah Islamic Revealed Knowledge and the 2day 1Juz’s al-Quran recitation. All activities went smoothly. We manage to deal with the challenges during the talk program. All committees from each club give a good cooperation to run this program. Moreover, this program conducted by each club based on schedule given. This program joined by more than 40 participants from IIUM community by this three minor activities. Alhamdulillah, the participants gain benefits for this program and suggest it for the next time.
The program managed to attract many participants and many volunteers who were ready to help distribute lambuk porridge by practicing strict Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Besides that, not only participants from Mahallah Ruqayyah but also participants from various mahallah including men’s mahallah. Despite the lack of committee energy, the program ran smoothly and well with the cooperation of fellows and principals to make the program a success. This program had achieved the objective to build a good rapport and strengthen the relationships among the committee and fellows as well as with residents.
2 Days 1 Juz & Sharing Session

Ramadan Talk Series & Dates Distribution

Rewang Programme

Qiyam in Musolla

Iftar by Ruqayyah Care